
Freelance artist, self-taught, specialises in furry art

Commission Details

£60 - 1 character
£40 - each additional character
£30 - background
£30 - bust/pfp
I only offer fully coloured illustrations, hence the lack of prices for sketches.[Stuff like colour gradients below are a bit crunchy to fit the 2MB limit on Carrd, sorry!]

Single Character, no background
Single character + Background
2 Characters + Background

Terms of Service

Start of Comm
To get a commission, just submit a google form as linked on the starting page of my carrd.
Using the contact details given, I'll message you with info on your place in the queue and any updates.
All comms are paid for through Paypal.
I'll email you with an invoice in GBP, but only once I've created a sketch of the piece and been given the go-ahead to move onto painting.
I reserve the right to decline illustrating a piece depending on the content requested, including various fetishes, gore, etc.
Because life is unpredictable, any given artwork can take anywhere between a few days and 2 weeks to finish. I'll give updates on both your place in the queue and with the piece itself once work begins.I'll give frequent looks at how the art is progressing and check if you want any changes made.Once the drawing is done and you've accepted it as such, no further changes will be made.The artwork I provide is for personal use only. Credit is appreciated and, if given permission to do so, I'll share said work onto my social media.Refund policy
If unable to deliver my work in a timely manner, you'll be entitled to a full refund. I'll contact you through the same channels used for any other updates and things can be resolved from there.
Once the art has been delivered no refunds or chargebacks are permitted. In such case I'll reach out to try resolve the situation.Chargeback without a given reason will result in being added to a blacklist, enquiries from clients on said list will be refused from then on.

By agreeing to commission me, I will only gather the information you provide:
-Email address and/or any additional contact information.
-Pictures and text (used as reference for the artwork)
Once the work is complete your google form will be discarded, though invoice information and proof of work will be kept for 6 years to conform to British law.